Women’s Resources

  • Kristin Van Tilburg is an intuitive healer who uses her ability to heal with light to open the doorway to a client’s higher self.
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    . This supports old habits, beliefs, and attitudes to fall away and be replaced by joy, creativity and inner guidance.

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    Kristin is looking for clients anywhere in the world who are willing to commit to three or six month awakening programs. Please email her at kvtilburg@gmail.com to set up a free 30 minute consultation. Visit her websites: http:/www.heartcenteredexplorations.com and http://www.kristinvantilburg.com.

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  • 2bempowered.com is a women’s resource site of sharing and receiving where women from all over share their stories and awareness along their journey of life. . You will find many resources that will empower you in this journey: books, dvds, sites, environment – learn about workshops, teleclassses and more. It’s all about baby steps! Contact Sandra Finkelstein at sandra@2bempowered.com.

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    offer the perfect opportunity to express yourself through movement and rhythm. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced dancer, there’s a class for you.



  • When the Wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal/—Native American prophecy. At Grandmothers speak we share the message of the Great Council of the Grandmothers to empower women, comfort men, and help return the world to balance. www.grandmothersspeak.com
  • The YIN Project – The YIN Project encourages women to become more aware of their Natural Yin qualities, in order to discover their own authentic expression of femininity and power. To learn more and receive two free lessons from the Yin Project online workshop: 13 Pathways to Feminine Power visit: http://www.theyinproject.com/Yin/course.asphttp://rachaeljayne.com/ also visit Rachael Jayne Groover’s homepage to check out her other impressive offerings: http://rachaeljayne.com
  • Herbal Medicine and Spirit Healing the Wise Woman Way – 800+ pages of Alternative Health Resources for Women.

    When faced with plumbing emergencies in Playa Del Rey, you can rely on expert Emergency Plumbing Services Playa Del Rey to quickly resolve issues. Susun Weed, herbalist and author of women’s health books, invites you to rediscover the Wise Woman Tradition, herbal medicine healing, and how to make home remedies. Visit http://www.susunweed.com

  • Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame – Brené Brown recently completed a six-year study of shame and its impact on women. She’s written the book I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME, published by Gotham Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc. For more information, please visit www.brenebrown.com
  • The work of Patricia Lynn Reilly – Patricia’s mission is to awaken and inspire the essential creativity of women and men of all ages; to support the development of her clients’ ideas into form; and to produce projects that enhance the creative vision of the human community. She is a creativity and publishing coach and regularly offers “Birth a Book” workshops. Learn more at http://www.OpenWindowCreations.com.
  • Visit the WOW Zone – The mission of WOW Zone is to spread a powerful message of hope, peace and goodwill in a fun and easy way: by associating a positive thought with a very popular word. WOW is an acronym for Wish Only Well. Meet Carmen Colombo and benefit from her positive movement!